About NatureDrs
I saw a need to educate and inform the general public about Natural Medicine. I am dedicated to sharing with the world what I know about natural health to help the planet heal. The body is an amazing organism. I have seen firsthand the awesome healing power of nature, what happens when we remove barriers to healing, and how the body responds when giving the right minerals, nutrients, and support. You can reach a state of vibrancy and health that you thought was left behind in your younger years.
One of the goals of NatureDrs is to shout from the mountain tops the power of good food and healthy living. Since, I don't have a mountain top handy I'm shouting it from the next best thing the -- Internet.

Hi, I’m Dr. Lisa Lewis and recently experienced a health changing and life changing experience that shook up everything in my world. I’m now part of the 1%, BUT NOT the 1% you might be thinking of. I endured a surgical error that statistically occurs in only 1% of surgeries. I SURVIVED and RAPIDLY recovered because of my expertise in natural medicine and my survival brought about a powerful calling.
I am the Holistic Health Harmonizer and Business Synthesizer. I am a leading licensed and board certified Naturopathic Physicians, Healthy Living Mentor, Licensed Acupuncturist, best selling author, and Speaker. All my titles sound great, but they come with a price. Even before my surgery, I was intimately attached to stress. As a doctor, business owner, leader in my field and community, and a recovering type A workaholic, stress eroded my health.
I had to make serious changes in my stress level if I wanted to live the life I imagined and dreamed of. So, I studied how stress affected me, learned what practices and strategies reversed my stress, then I implemented them and they became part of my life.
I have committed my life to helping people overcome significant health challenges. I teach high achieving, spirit lead professionals and entrepreneurs that are stressed out, overworked, who have been hurt by, been ignored by, or who have lost faith in the healthcare system how to overcome their health and life challenges.
I share the same strategies that I personally use, and create healthy and stress free living for hundreds of patients and clients I have worked with. I am committed to systematically sharing my knowledge and experiences with you and holistically transforming your DIS-EASE to DE-LIGHT — ushering you into a healthier and more vibrant lifestyle.
As a transformational healer, my work has been featured on the American Health Journals’ documentary Discoveries in Alternative Medicine, the Daily Café Live, ABC News, Awakenings TV show, Michael Baisden’s Show, and numerous radios and magazines. I graduated from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington with a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (ND), Master of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine Certificate. In addition to my medical training, I also earned a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Rutherford and a Bachelor of Arts in Zoology and Physiology from Rutgers University.
In 2016 I expanded the NatureDrs brand to ensure that all healthy lifestyle needs are covered. NatureDrs.com now offers over 200 amazing nutritional supplements, health lifestyle products, and books, eBooks, and digital downloaded content to ensure that you have everything you need to flourish.
Please understand that All Supplements Are NOT created equal. NatureDrs Nutritional Supplements are the the products I use with my patients and they work amazingly well. There are significant difference between the NatureDrs brand and the supplements that you purchase at the common retail stores.
Here are 4 Reason why practitioner-trusted vitamins and supplements are a better choice:
- They contain the purest and highest-quality active ingredients from well-researched sources.
- They are formulated to offer therapeutic dosing and optimal absorption.
- They are safe, reliable and don’t contain inferior, counterfeit ingredients.
- They are never intentionally mislabeled, expired or diluted to cut costs.
With NatureDrs, you experience a better, safer, and more convenient way to access practitioner-trusted vitamins and nutritional supplements.
Thanks so much for visiting our online store. Our team is excited to provide you with an impeccable online shopping experience and remains available to assist at any time. If you have questions, comments or concerns about your order or the content found within this website, please feel free to contact us via telephone or email and one of our experienced team members will get back to you right away. Again, thanks for visiting our store and we look forward to serving you in the future.
To Your Health!
Dr. Lisa Lewis & NatureDrs